Sunday, March 2, 2014

Christmas in Red Square.

This is an overdue post on Christmas in Red Square.
Last year's Christmas, Red Square is beautiful decorated. It can be seen that there have put more effort in decorating the area, maybe because the Winter Olympics was coming.

Anyway here are a few beautiful photos of the places.

Infront of Bolshoy Teather.
There is a mini bazaar and also a beautifully decorated fountain and christmas tree.

The Christmas Tree.

In GUM, it was basically crowded till no end. We have to squeeze our way through.
Luckily at the 2nd floor, we manage to get ourselves great pictures.

The Christmas decoration seen from the 2nd floor. It feels really grand.

The fountain at the first floor. I don't know if you all can see the crowd but there's a lot of people in my photo!!
Poor ice cream lady, she was so busy serving customers.

An extra selca of myself!
For the FOTD, Click here!

At the end of the day, we had Krispy Kreme outside of GUM. I am not a fan of Krispy Kreme because it is awfully sweet that it makes my teeth hurt.
I would consider it as a nice Christmas treat with my friends but personally if alone, I wouldn't go back to Krispy Kreme. 

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